
Simple Minds A friend and I were debating about peanut butter today. Should chunky peanut butter be less expensive than smooth? I mean, they don't have to do as much smoothing, therefore the work that goes into producing chunky peanut butter is less, and should be reflected in the price. But then we wondered if perhaps the peanut butter producers make smooth peanut butter and then add chunks afterwards, which would then reverse the previous idea, and would require smooth peanut butter to be cheaper. Unfortunately, we didn't really come to any serious conclusions about the price of peanut butter in today's market. In other news, I still have a cold. My nose has been stuffed up since the first week of February. I don't think that the people I've gotten to know this semester know me without a cold. So, when I think I sound stuffy and plugged up, it's normal to them. I don't like that. I don't want people to think that I'm congested perpetually (although this has been the case lately). I can sound normal! I'm desparately hoping that it's just some weird allergy, and that when I get back home, my nose will clear, and I can speak and sing unhindered.

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