
So I'm getting used to student teaching. I'm gradually working my way up to full time teaching. This week, my cooperating teacher is teaching one section of freshmen, then I'm teaching the next two. Next week, I'll teach all the freshmen and be responsible for lesson plans; meanwhile, Mrs. Stahly will teach one period of sophomore English, and I'll teach the second. The next week, I'll be responsible for all freshman English, all sophomore English, and some of composition. The week after that, I'll be teaching full time. It kind of makes me nervous, but I really just want to do it and get it over with. Time definitely goes by so much quicker when I'm not just observing. That gets so boring. I feel capable and prepared, just a little nervous. I taught two full periods today, and the students were very respectful and fairly obedient. I was nervous the first time, and I completely blanked on their names--not good when you're calling on them for twenty minutes. I also had to take prayer requests and pray for them. Don't ask me why, but that was stressful.

Other than that, life's all right. It's kind of dull. I'm not doing much because I don't have any work to bring home. So, I watched all 6 hours of Pride and Prejudice--one of my all-time favorite movies--spent every evening of the last week and a half watching all the Lord of the Rings Movies (yea for extended versions!), and who knows what thrilling things I'll do tonight. I think the hardest part of being up here is being alone. Sure I have my aunt and uncle, and I love their whole family. But I miss people my own age. I feel like I'm always desperate every time I to church, because I'm looking for someone I could be friends with. Saying it that way makes me feel pathetic. Oh well. This too shall pass.

In the meantime, I'm going to watch movies, read books, have awesome quiet times, and listen to a lot of music. One thing I'm really looking forward to, though, is getting a door on my room. Privacy would be a welcome thing. My closest room-neighbor is a twelve-year-old boy.