
Facebook is crazy--I'm remeeting all of these old high school buddies. How weird is that?? I guess I just must have a thing for people from my high school. Well, LCS was a pretty great place (or at least that's how I remember it), or my class was awesome. I know some people have a different opinion about it, but all I really remember from high school is what pertained to me. Very self-centered, admittedly, but what high schooler isn't? Come to think of it, I remember Sarah Nun always being pretty "aware" of things. I liked that about her.

She also was great help at studying for finals.


Dinner is calling. I have the option of bbq chicken or subway. I get a baked sweet potato either way.

By the way, I am officially calling myself "in love." Just typing that makes me want to throw up, but I figured there are friends out there who should know that this whole relationship thing is headed in a serious direction. Look up Liz M in Fort Myers Florida if you're interested in more.