
I'm almost done. Two more days and then I'm finished. Finished with the cooperating teacher who won't cooperate. Finished with the cooperating teacher who cuts me off in the middle of a sentence to correct my French pronounciation. Finished with a cooperating teacher who doesn't let me enter grades in the gradebook because I messed up once. Finished with the cooperating teacher who won't let me use the classroom computer.

Don't get me wrong. She's a nice lady. She's not mean-spirited or out to get me. She just has a certain way of doing things, and when I don't do something exactly right, she figures it's just easier to do it herself. She cares about her students, and her students like her. I'm not sure if they like English, if they think reading and writing is worthwhile and enjoyable, but they like her. She prays for them and sends them little notes of encouragements when grandparents die or they have a rough day. She loves those kids. But she loves with a sharp wit and a keen, sarcastic sense of humor.

Maybe I want to be too effusive with my love. Perhaps my passion for jotting down poems and writing daydreamy paragraphs, silly grammar sentences, and crazy vocab demonstrations is too effervescent. Maybe I shouldn't be so friendly, quoting Napoleon Dynamite and demonstrating my cultural awareness. But this I know. I'm not like my cooperating teacher, and she definitely doesn't want to be like me. So I think it's a good thing that we both move on--I write my thank-you note, bake my goodbye chocolate chip cookies, and walk out the door, while she continues with her harsh love, her nit-picky banter, her moralistic short stories, and her grammar exercises. I'll see the kids I've grown to love in the halls, I'll bump into her now and then, but we won't be so close that we scrape up against each other like battered boats in a hurricane. We'll have that safe distance that allows us to speak kindly to each other, that enables us to say to others, "Oh, she's such a sweet woman--a good teacher in her own way." Maybe we'll even be able to mention the things we taught each other.