I definitely didn't need a Pepsi at 8 o'clock tonight, and yet. . . So here I am, semi-late at night (late for me at least, since I usually go to bed around 10'ish), as wide awake as--well--hmm. Okay, no similes are coming to mind right now. But I'm awake, and sleep is looking fairly distant at this point. I figure this is as good a time as any to make the pronouncement: I am not teaching English next year. I'm teaching K-8 music. Okay, and a little English. But just the 8th grade. I feel good about it; I'm even excited. I know my certification is not in music, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm actually looking forward to having an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of even more facets of a school. I've taught classes that are part of the core curriculum. I've worked with middle school. I've assisted with different elements of accreditation. Now I'll teach elementary students, and I'll get to see life from the perspective of a specials teacher and program director. If admin. is something I end up pursuing someday, the broader my experience, the wider my understanding that I'll bring with me as an assistant principal or administrator. Who knows. Everyone around me seems to think it's a good fit. We'll see. I'm open to considering other options if this turns out to be something I don't like.
I finally finished all my post-school paperwork. That means I'm officially done with the 2005-2006 school year, and I can start prepping for next year. Well, eventually. I'm currently working as a part-time babysitter for an adorable and sweet baby boy, and I'm hoping to get some voice students someday, maybe. In a week, I'll be spending some time in North Carolina recooperating and relaxing with my grandparents--hopefully getting some good scenic photo ops. I haven't had the time to be out with my camera much lately; I miss it. Maybe I'll post some photos when I get back. Then in July, I'm headed back to the Cornhusker State for a couple weeks. THAT will be great. There's a big McP family reunion that I'll be attending (I've missed the last three or four), and I'm hoping to see a lot of good friends from high school. I'm very thankful that God has seen fit to bless me with friendships that have lasted so long. It's crazy to think that I've known some of those people for at least ten years. And our five-year reunion has come and gone. John Hoogeveen, where are you and why aren't you planning something? You were class president after all. Anyway. I miss home a lot, so it will be good to see some plains again.
(this is a schaap pic I filched from the dordt website)