
I actually spent last night helping Lindsey jump her car, which meant hanging out in the Barnes and Noble parking lot for about 45 minutes. Then when we got home, we talked about doing something, but ended up ordering Chinese (I have yet to find any as good as the Bamboo Garden), watching more Gilmore Girls, and going to bed. So much for all my great options. Even the crappy ones didn't work out.


Kathlyn D said...

i don't know, but it doesn't sound like a wasted night to me! a whole 45 minutes in a BARNES AND NOBLE PARKING LOT?!?! what could be better?

Mike E said...

You are cool Liz. Eat Bananas

Liz said...

thanks Mike, I think I will. Also, Katie, I didn't mean to suggest that my evening in a B&N parking lot was wasted--just different from my original 10 other plans. :)