Have never been so ready for a Friday. Spent the day wasting time in class--probably didn't teach a single thing. Did MadLibs with my seventh grade class to reinforce the lesson on parts of speech, and it totally flopped. I'm planning on doing the same activity with the eighth grade on Monday. Needs revision. Eighth grade played Mafia for the last twenty-five minutes because my brain essentially shut itself off. Next week only has two days--Wednesday is a duty day for us to work on report cards, and Thursday and Friday are inservice. Can you tell how excited I am? Just feel like writing in fragments for awhile. Sorry if it bothers you.
I need to stop rewarding myself with Frosties and McDonalds ice cream cones. They're my reward for making it to another Friday without strangling any students or publically humiliating them. I also consider myself deserving of one after a particularly strenuous volleyball practice (I use the stopwatch and shag balls) or game (I keep score and yell).
Today one of my colleagues was telling me about an upcoming date. When I asked what she was going to do, she grinned a wicked little grin and said "We're going to masticate...
...our food." When I burst out laughing, she said, "I knew you would find that funny." I'm wondering if that's a bad thing.
Lindsey and I have been on a huge Gilmore Girls kick the past week. A woman from church loaned us the DVDs of all four seasons, so I'm getting refreshed in the history of the women from Stars Hollow. They're enough to make me wish I'd had an illegitimate child at 17 and moved to Connecticut.
A minor annoyance: I hate the fact that every day when I come home from work, my fingernails are black and chipped from writing on the white board (which is actually a frustrating shade of grey).
Secret belief: My life matches that of Elizabeth in the comic strip For Better or For Worse, and I secretly believe that when she finds a guy, I will too. Am I weird? (That's a rhetorical question.)
I'm trying to decide what to do with the rest of my day. It's almost 5:30. Lindsey gets off work at 7:00. We've decided that tomorrow is going to be a big work day. I guess my options are as follows:
1. grade papers and get a head start on tomorrow.
2. call up a friend and make plans without Lindsey.
3. eat dinner and veg in front of the TV
4. wait for Lindsey to get home and then eat dinner and veg in front of the TV
5. dance myself in my living room to music from my computer
6. go for a walk (it's still 90 degrees)
7. pick up a guy and go out for a wild night on the town
8. call church friends and find out if there's "a plan"
9. go to sleep and wake up in 100 years like Rip Van Winkle
10. go to the pool
11. think and debate about what to do tonight until it's too late to do anything
A lot of options, some of which are rather impractical. I mean, who wants to go for a walk in 90 degree weather? Any suggestions? Last week at this time I was playing volleyball on a tennis court with 8 middle school girls. My social life definitely has room for improvement (although the girls were a ton of fun!).
liz, you make me laugh! i miss you.
i'll take a number 9.
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