
You're The Inspiration It has been almost a full year since I last wrote here. A lot has happened-- I got back to the U.S. after my semester in England, had a wonderful summer, and came back to Sioux Center, Iowa. I won't bore you with all the details, though. (Who is "you" anyway? No one really reads this but me.) I'm coming close to the end of my fourth year at Dordt College, and while all my friends and roommates are preparing to graduate, I'm looking forward to a whole 'nother semester of classes in the fall, followed by a semester of student teaching. Just a word of advice-- don't change your major a month before Christmas your senior year. It throws a wrench in everything. Anyway, I got inspired to start writing again when I saw that Becca had been writing in her blog; I also just miss writing-- writing descriptively, writing casually, writing artistically-- I'm so overwhelmed with education classes that I barely have time to study what I love. (That would be literature) I feel like I'm losing touch with myself and with my voice. I was reading some other blogs this past week, and I felt so inadequate. I'm not thinking gradiose thoughts or spilling forth fresh images. My life is barren. I'm beginning to realize that maybe this barrenness is the source of my frustration lately. I feel burned out and ugly, like everything I say is base and uncomplicated. I don't have anything worthwhile to contribute to the world's discussion. To me, that is incredibly sad. See, even now I can't think of a better word than "sad" to describe how I feel about that. Pathetic. My sister is much more creative than I am. I wish I had that piece of her in me too.

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