
Visiting Dignitaries My sister Becca is here till Sunday morning, and I have to say I am fairly exhausted. Who knew that going downtown could be so tiring? Plus it's been so incredibly hot here. I'm going to struggle with going back to Nebraska and 90+ temperatures and 80% humidity if I think this is bad. I guess it doesn't help that I got baked by the sun the other day and now I feel like a lobster. In any case, it's been interesting having Becca around. She is sleeping on the floor; we've somehow managed to squeeze a mattress into the remaining space in my already tiny room. Which means that it's pretty cramped in here. And my room feels really messy, which makes me feel a little stressed out... but it's not. It's just full. Beth and I have been playing guide to Becca's tourist, which has been fun, but a little difficult after awhile. I keep forgetting that this is her first time to this city, and these things I've been staring at all semester are new and exciting to her. I loved the look on her face when she came around the corner and saw Big Ben for the first time. Her jaw just dropped. It reminded me of the way I felt the first time I looked down past Trafalger Square and saw the gold gleaming off the towers of Westminster. All the postcards were true. And it filled me with such a sense of awe. But now that I've been here for five months and I've been downtown countless times, I tend to think "Oh, it's just Big Ben again." Don't get me wrong, I still can't believe I'm here, that I've been here for so long. I guess it's just all part of the process of feeling at home in a place.

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