
Facebook is crazy--I'm remeeting all of these old high school buddies. How weird is that?? I guess I just must have a thing for people from my high school. Well, LCS was a pretty great place (or at least that's how I remember it), or my class was awesome. I know some people have a different opinion about it, but all I really remember from high school is what pertained to me. Very self-centered, admittedly, but what high schooler isn't? Come to think of it, I remember Sarah Nun always being pretty "aware" of things. I liked that about her.

She also was great help at studying for finals.


Dinner is calling. I have the option of bbq chicken or subway. I get a baked sweet potato either way.

By the way, I am officially calling myself "in love." Just typing that makes me want to throw up, but I figured there are friends out there who should know that this whole relationship thing is headed in a serious direction. Look up Liz M in Fort Myers Florida if you're interested in more.


Anonymous said...

"In Love" with who?!

Liz said...

with you, stupid!

Anonymous said...

I may be anonymous, but I'm certainly not stupid! Take it back!

Liz said...

you are to. have you ever listened to any of your jokes, Mr. Ecoasian Crisis?

Liz said...

(you know I love your jokes)

Anonymous said...

"Ecoasian"??! What are you and this Mr. Anonymous talking about here, Liz? Back off, Anonymous.

Liz said...

The effects of green house gas on large asian land masses. Anonymous is really hot when he talks about ecology.

Anonymous said...

What about the effects Anonymous has on large gas masses? I think that's important too.

Liz said...

this whole issue of figuring out who Anonymous is and isn't is too tricky for me. Can I just stick with you?

Anonymous said...

fine, whatever, be that way...