A girl slouches near her computer, eyes glazing over after a long day at work, a long work out (well, maybe not so long), after playing with her "adopted" nephews and catching up on all the advice she never knew she needed. "The Girl From Impanema" is playing, and her lips are sort of moving in sync with the words. One foot begins to twitch in time with the samba beat. Before she knows it, her shoulder is dipping. Her back straightens; she's pretending to samba. She's still sitting down. She needs to stand--she needs to move. She starts "The Girl From Impanema" over from the beginning. The volume is up. The chair is empty. She is alone. And she is dancing.
To answer your question, Jewels, here are some characteristics:
- Tall
- Dark Blonde hair
- So in love with Christ
- Hot
- Literature buff
- Theology and Philosophy student
- 27
- Active in our church
- Goofball
- Makes corny puns
- Good at being romantic without being too mushy
By the way, I'm learning "The Girl from Impanema" as well as other oldies-but-goodies for the missions banquet our church is having tomorrow night. Our praise and worship band is doing a jazz set as "pre-dinner entertainment." We haven't practiced once yet, although our fearless leader seems to think we don't need to practice. We'll see, I suppose.
Grading is calling. I have seven or eight inches of papers to grade by. . . well, sometime soon. Oh, the joy.
I like to dance when I'm alone too . . . Well, more often then not.
Hey, So he left me a comment.
Grading stuff must really suck!
btw the last comment that I deleted, well i deleted it because i spelled suck wrong, just so that you know
I like this picture of you. Is it new?
Wow Liz. Samba and man of mystery? Is that the vibe I'm picking up here?
Good for you! He sounds too good to be true.
thanks for the description, liz. i don't think it was embarrassing. we should talk on the phone one of these days! I too have inches and inches of grading, none of which will be done this weekend. :)
he's a great guy. not perfect, but if i listed all of his faults too, what kind of girlfriend would i be? jewels, do i have your phone number?
Thank you, m'lady, for holding your tongue on my faults. I shall be forever indebted to your prudence.
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