
I am amazed how long it's been since I've had the opportunity (the time, the internet) to blog. Goodness. The first month is over, and I'm almost half-way through the first quarter. As someone said, I'll never have to have my first day of my first quarter of my first year ever again. What a relief. I have been experiencing first hand all the aspects of survival mode. Julie, you mentioned that you feel like you're losing your motivation to be creative. I lost that after week one. It's discouraging, because as I plan each week, I think to myself, "This is not how I want to teach this--I want to do more, I want to put myself into these plans." But I have had to recognize that I can't. I can not physically do everything that I want to do as a teacher; I simply don't have enough hours in the day, enough energy. My colleague, Pam (who is also my wonderful prayer partner), reminds me that I have to get away from school. I have to take a break, or I'm just going to get burned out. I can't tell you how relieving it is to be told that it's okay in this first semester, or even this first year, to just survive.

I know this sounds discouraging, but in all honesty, I am loving what I'm doing. I really enjoy the opportunity to build relationships with my students, to teach them new things, to coach them as they write, read, play volleyball, sing, act. I like meeting the parents (although I don't enjoy talking to them if their child misbehaves or does poorly in my class). I know I want to do this. On my worst days, I think about an entire year of this job. But I've learned that I have to take it one day, and at the most one week, at a time. It's okay if I'm not perfect. I'm allowed to mess up and start over. The wonderful thing is that every day is a fresh chance to get things right.

In other news, Lindsey De Jong moved in with me this weekend. It's awesome so far. I didn't realize how alone I was until I suddenly had someone around. I also have a "hot" date this week, which should be interesting to say the least. I don't think it will go anywhere (he's about 3 inches shorter and 3 years younger than me--don't ask me how I got myself into this), but it should be fun.

A Very Long Engagement (movie with Audrey Tautou from Amelie). It's kind of a dark mix of the semi-comedic and the tragic. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be. But I enjoyed it. (Warning: Contains some uncomfortable sexual scenes)

The Outsiders: I'm reading the book to my 7th grade class, and they're really into it. I also just read that Francis Coppola is re-releasing his 1983 film version (Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze) with some scenes added back in. I'm excited--I liked the original, but I think the new scenes will help better establish the Greaser gang. I think there's also some changes to the score, which will help a lot too.

Well, that's all for now. I'm sorry that I'm so bad at emailing. But hopefully I'll be getting internet in the apartment soon. Maybe I'll be better at keeping in touch then.


me said...

thanks for blogging! i laughed out loud at the "don't ask me how i got myself into this" part. i hope you are pleasantly surprised or at least have a good time if it's not meant to be. how is the weather affecting you?

i love you!

Kathlyn D said...

hey... its been awhile. i was just remembering our chocolate and cookies and icecream during women of promise stuff. i like to hear that even though times are sometimes hard, you are enjoying it too! it makes me more realistic about my future, i guess. say hi to lindsey and i hope living with my very best friend goes well.

Christine said...

Hey Liz,
Sorry it didn't turn out so awesome, at least you got out though. I'm hangin out with some friends next weekend, and I'm hoping that will be fun. I really want to see the movie 'A Very Long Engagement' I haven't seen a movie in so long. Have you seen 'He loves me not' with Audrey Tautou? It's kinda odd in a demented way. If you like the actess I suggest you see it.
I'm glad you're enjoying your job, it scares me sometimes to think that what I choose to go into could end up being something I hate, and I'm glad that's not how it is for you.
I'm also very glad that you finally got internet, It's kinda frustrating trying to talk to you because I'm not a phone person at all and I perfer e-mail communication.

Jewels said...

Liz, I'm glad your blogging again! Your post is very encouraging to me, as I enter into my "full-time" student teaching time on Monday. One day at a time!