

I had been building up the nerve to actually commit myself to the GRE, and when I tried to sign up today, there were no open times left for the next three weeks. I guess that means I'll have to keep studying and try to take the stupid test in Florida. I hadn't wanted to do that. I had hoped to take it before I left, but I procrastinated too long. Rats.

A part of me continually asks if I really want to take the GRE after all; do I really want a Masters Degree in something? I don't even know if I want to focus on English or Education, therefore, my subversive self says, I should just put it off a couple more years. To be honest, the only reason I am so hesitant is the math section. I took a couple practice tests the last few days, and although I did reasonably well (I could have done better) on other sections, I pretty much bombed the math part. I hate math. It is my arch nemesis.

Now all I can do is bake. My starter is ready to be turned into that lovely Rosemary Olive Oil Sourdough Bread, and today is a perfect day for baking--cool, cloudy, stormy. Drat, I say. I feel perfectly dejected about this turn of events. Maybe it's the Lord--maybe I'm not supposed to take the GRE right now. I don't believe in coincidences... Maybe I'm supposed to just bake and pack and clean my room today. Not fret over some stupid test that really has no say over how intelligent I am.

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