
And I still haven't found what I'm looking for
It was at approximately 10:00 this morning, shortly after my first couple classes of the day, when I happened to look down and see...

Yes. One black shoe, one brown. And I always thought it was handy to have two pairs of the same shoe.

So I'm thinking about becoming a graduate student in literature. I have a hard time seeing myself as one, especially because I can't even speak in grammatically correct sentences anymore. But the thought of all that reading... I'm getting a little excited.


Sals said...


You definitely know how to make someone smile! Thanks for sharing the story about your shoes! I've had similar stories like the brown shoes black socks kinda thing, but none quite like yours.
How is life? How is teaching going? Are you coming home for Christmas?
Catch you later

Jewels said...

What schools are you interested in? What literature?

Sarah said...

I laughed hysterically at the shoes thing. i've done the same thing, only with tennies... so hilarious! Love you!